About Us | Kind Caliber


About Us

Kind… has a few meanings one is having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature, another is a group of people or things having similar characteristics.

What is your Kind?  Are you Kind?

Caliber… has a few meanings, one is the quality of someone's character or the level of their ability, another is the internal diameter/bore of a gun barrel or the size of a bullet/cartridge.  Are you conscious of your caliber?  

What’s the caliber of your character?

America was founded on freedom: life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. True happiness is found through pursing a positive character which is being responsible for what one can control within their circle of influence and living life with integrity and virtue.

Kind Caliber strives to serve the community while pursuing character and the American dream.  The United States is the only country to truly have gun rights for the people and it sets America apart from other nations.  With the tremendous freedom to bare arms comes a tremendous responsibility to respect and protect life.  Kind Caliber wants to make sure the good guys have guns, while we purse character and the American dream.